The Welsh for the Family courses are tailored to allow parents, family members, friends or anyone working with children to learn and understand children whilst they speak Welsh. They're different from other courses in the way that they're full of tailored vocabulary, language patterns, songs and activities to help you communicate with children in Welsh.
The Welsh for the Family courses are aimed at pure beginners and will focus on the fun element of learning. Welsh for the Family classes are usually held once a week, and would take two academic years to complete.
The main aim of the courses is to enable adults to use Welsh with children. To achieve this the courses focus on the following:
- Repetition
- Reading
- Singing
- Playing games
- Learning simple commands, greetings and much more
If you would like to find out more about the courses by level please click here or contact the Centre on 029 2087 4710 or e-mail:
Mae’r cyrsiau Cymraeg i’r Teulu wedi eu teilwra i alluogi rhieni, aelodau teulu, ffrindiau ac unrhywun sy’n gweithio gyda phlant i ddysgu a deall plant wrth iddyn nhw siarad Cymraeg. Maen nhw'n wahanol i gyrsiau eraill gan eu bod yn llawn geirfa, patrymau iaith, caneuon a gweithgareddau sydd wedi eu teilwra i’ch helpu chi i gyfathrebu gyda’ch plentyn yn y Gymraeg.
Mae’r cyrsiau wedi eu hanelu at ddechreuwyr pur ac maen nhw'n ffocysu ar yr elfen hwyl o ddysgu. Cynhelir cyrsiau Cymraeg i’r Teulu, fel rheol, unwaith yr wythnos ac mae’n cymryd dwy flynedd i gwblhau’r cyrsiau.
Prif nod y cyrsiau yw galluogi oedolion i ddefnyddio eu Cymraeg gyda phlant. Mae’r cyrsiau yn ffocysu ar yr isod er mwyn cyflawni hyn:
- Ailadrodd
- Darllen
- Canu
- Chwarae gemau
- Dysgu gorchmynion syml, cyfarchion a llawer mwy
Os hoffech chi fwy o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Cymraeg i'r Teulu fesul lefel cliciwch yma, cysylltwch â’r Ganolfan ar 029 2087 4710 /