The choice of Welsh courses on offer is very broad and designed to ensure that there is something for everybody. Courses start as short Taster sessions and courses for pure beginners, right up to proficiency level, where learners as well as those wanting to improve their Welsh are all welcome. There are courses one and twice weekly, block courses which are full time for a fortnight or up to 8 weeks! Moreover, you can even learn Welsh on-line!
Mae’r dewis o gyrsiau Cymraeg sydd ar gael yn eang iawn ac maent wedi eu cynllunio fel bo rhywbeth ar gael i bawb. Mae’r cyrsiau yn dechrau gyda sesiynau Blasu byr a chyrsiau i ddechreuwyr pur, hyd at lefel hyfedredd, ble croesewir pob dysgwr, yn ogystal â’r rhai sydd eisiau gwella’u Cymraeg. Mae cyrsiau unwaith a dwywaith yr wythnos ar gael yn ogystal â chyrsiau bloc llawn-amser dros bythefnos o hyd neu hyd at 8 wythnos! Yn ychwanegol at hynny, gallwch hyd yn oed ddysgu Cymraeg ar-lein!